Tuesday, November 29, 2011

International Advertising

For my media writing course I have been paired with a young women who lives in Lebanon to discuss different social issues and learn about each other’s cultures.  It has been fascinating to discover the different stereotypes she has of America.  She has taught me a significant amount in only a few weeks and I would like to think I have broadened her knowledge as well. 
One exercise we conducted was sending each other advertisements from one another’s native country.  It was interesting to hear her perspective on the American Ad I shared with her.  She explained she does not see many emotional commercials in Lebanon.
Here is the Lebanese advertisement she shared with me…

The commercial is very humorous and I could see it being successful in American if it were in English.  The old couple is quite endearing and they capture the emotion of the audience.  It is funny the old woman does not understand that she cannot bring the dairy through the security.  When she was young that most likely would not have been issue. 
It is also funny how the security is so relaxed and laughing about the situation.  If this were real life those employees would be taking their job much more seriously.  It is interesting that my partner in Lebanon mentioned this is one of the only emotional advertisements she could think of when she sent it to me.  I wonder why that is the case.  

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