Sunday, September 25, 2011

Muscle Milk Advertising is Not Strong

I apologize if this advertisement is a bit too scandalous.  I don’t mean to offend anyone.  I am not sure if many of you are familiar with the brand Muscle Milk but I have had a handful of the drinks in the last few years. Muscle Milk’s target consumer would be considered young men from about 16-35 looking to gain muscle mass.  It is a drink filled with protein that is intended to be drank after working out. 
            While I analyze these advertisements I question how the company appeals to their target market.  First, the man is uncomfortably revealing.  I don’t understand why anyone would be standing in skimpy underwear as they walk through the kitchen.  Typically when I am in the kitchen I am there for a purpose, possibly to make dinner or grab a glass of water.  However this man just likes to stop and check himself out in the kitchen.

            As for the woman, I assume she is with her children.  What mother walks around in her lingerie while she watches her children play.  Her seductive look in this particular situation is relatively disturbing.  It is also odd how the children look up to their mother as if they are admiring her.  The mixture of sex appeal and cute children should not be mixed in an advertisement.

            In both advertisements I do not understand the poor example of photoshop.  The images of the people are obviously superimposed into the frame.  This could be a “look” they are going for, however I personally do not understand the idea.
            The main reason this ad is ineffective is the fact that a consumer has to search for what the brand is trying to sell.  It almost seems as if Muscle Milk was trying to hide the product in the background.  I believe Muscle Milk needs to make a better effort to appeal to their target audience.  

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